

Extra Grammar practice

Grammar worksheets per unit to give your students extra practice and to help them reinforce what they've learnt. They are available only to confirmed users of Next Generation by registration at www.thecambridgeteacher.es.


Extra Vocabulary practice

Vocabulary worksheets per unit for extra practice and reinforcement. Available only to confirmed users of Next Generation by registration at www.thecambridgeteacher.es.


Sentence Transformation

These worksheets, available for each unit, tackle the difficult task of rewriting sentences which is often assessed in the PAU exams. The grammar in these worksheets is based on the Bachillerato syllabus. Available by registration only at www.thecambridgeteacher.es


Vocabulary Mind Maps

Based on the topic of each unit, these useful mind maps will help your students memorise important vocabulary and extend their knowledge of the topic. Students can also add their own words and expressions to these mind maps. Available by registration only at www.thecambridgeteacher.es


Extra Reading practice

16 reading worksheets, each with two different exercises, with PAU-style questions for all autonomous communities. Available only to confirmed users of Next Generation by registration at www.thecambridgeteacher.es.


Listening Practice

These worksheets (3 per unit) give students tips and exercises to improve their listening skills, and also to practise exam-type activities in the autonomous communities where students have to sit a listening exam as part of the PAU. Available only by registration at www.thecambridgeteacher.es.


Extra Speaking practice

Three different types of speaking worksheets per unit provide invaluable practice in this skill. These worksheets include information gap activities, debate and discussion material, and photos to discuss. Some of the tasks follow the format of the Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam. Available only to confirmed users of Next Generation by registration at www.thecambridgeteacher.es.


PAU Writing practice

Choose your Comunidad Autónoma to access a list of recent PAU exam essay titles taken directly from past papers available online.


Extra Grammar practice

Extra Vocabulary practice

Sentence Transformation

Vocabulary Mind Maps

Extra Reading practice

There are three different levels of difficulty signalled by a symbol at the top of the page. Also included are multiple-choice worksheets, specifically for students in Catalonia.

Levels 1 and 2

Extra Reading Practice on The Cambridge Teacher

Listening Practice

Extra Speaking practice

PAU Writing practice

These essay titles are categorised by broad topic so that you and your students can identify the most common topics that come up in the PAU exam. Remember that if you want even more practice, you can look at the essay titles from other Comunidades Autónomas.






Illes Balears


Islas Canarias

Castilla La Mancha

La Rioja

Castilla y León




Comunitat Valenciana

