
Focus on essential exam practice with the Exam Boosters and maximise your learners’ potential with dedicated exam task practice for class or home study. The Exam Boosters can be used flexibly by skill or exam task.

The latest additions to the series are the Boosters for A2 Key & Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools which follow the revised specifications of the exams from 2020.

Caroline Chapman, Susan White, Helen Chilton, Sheila Dignen, Mark Fountain, Frances Treloar

Number of levels

A2-C1 (Elementary to Advanced)

Informed by the Cambridge English Corpus
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Key features:

  • 48 exam tasks practise each part of the exam three times
  • Exam facts provide practical information about each task
  • Exam tips provide useful advice on how to approach the exercises
  • ‘Get it right’ boxes highlight typical candidate errors in the exam